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College Access Plan

Our Student

CAP supports all students by emboldening them to opt-in to our programs and develop their own relationships with CAP’s staff, volunteers, and other students, and by fostering organic opportunities to connect students to both the fundamentals of college access and success as well as the complexities of making life’s big decisions like which college to attend.

Our Students

  • Attend or have graduated from public schools in Pasadena and Hacienda La Puente, California, and surrounding communities
  • 92% are the first in their family to attend college and/or come from low-income households
  • Are not homogenous – they come to CAP with no specific grade point average or requirements, only the desire and drive to achieve their dreams
  • Are self-accountable and self-motivated
  • Create peer communities and inspire each other to succeed

CAP graduates attend all 9 of the UC campuses, 21 of 23 CSU campuses, and numerous other public and private institutions. Alumni have gone on to graduate school in education, social work, acting, sociology, and more. 

We are so proud of all of our students and celebrate their accomplishments and bright futures. They are #CAPFamilyForever!