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College Access Plan Named 41st Assembly District Nonprofit of the Year

We are pleased to share that CAP has been named 2022 41st Assembly District Nonprofit of the Year by Assemblymember Chris Holden.

“Our community is so rich with impactful organizations, and we are honored to have been chosen this year by Assemblymember Holden,” said Mo Hyman, CAP’s co-founder and executive director. “We could not support equitable access to college degrees for students without our board, staff, volunteers, community partners, and investors — we share this honor with them as we collaboratively advocate for our assembly district’s future leaders.”

In addition to its no-cost and open-access college readiness advisement programming offered at all Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) high schools, CAP rolled out two new courses in 2021: a college essay writing intensive for 12th graders, which supports seniors in crafting strong essay drafts for UC, CSU Equal Opportunity Program, and private college admissions; and a corresponding College 101 course for 11th graders focused on the nuts and bolts of understanding holistic admissions and building a strong college list. “This honor is well deserved, as CAP has been providing such a valuable service to our students, especially to those most in need. We very much appreciate this partnership and are pleased that others outside of the district see the value in the work that you and your team are doing,” said PUSD Superintendent, Brian McDonald.

Founded in 2006, College Access Plan is a nonprofit organization that prepares underserved students to succeed in college. Its partnerships with PUSD and other local agencies serve middle schools and PUSD graduates that attend college in addition to its high school drop-in and course offerings. They also provide essential knowledge about college and financial aid for parents and families in both English and Spanish. Annually, 1,600 students, graduates, and their families receive expert, best practices programming that leads them through all aspects of college attendance and affordability. This honor closely follows CAP’s participation in the historic settlement with the University of California to end the consideration of SAT and ACT scores in admissions and scholarship decisions, and the subsequent decision of the California State University system to likewise end the use of these tests.

“It is my pleasure to recognize College Access Plan as the 41st Assembly District’s Nonprofit of the Year,” said Assemblymember Holden. “True to their mission, College Access Plan supports equitable access to college degrees for all students. It is critical to thank community partners that understand the advantages of dual enrollment and help students actualize their goals.”

“Nonprofit organizations play such a critical role in our communities, and the last two years of the pandemic have only served to highlight that,” noted Jan Masaoka, CEO of the California Association of Nonprofits (CalNonprofits), which serves as a partner for this awards program. “California Nonprofit of the Year gives elected officials the opportunity to shine a light on the important work nonprofits are doing in their districts and for everyone to appreciate the collective impact of nonprofits in our communities.”

above: Mo Hyman with CAP board member Michael Ocon (Pasadena High School 2016; Stanford 2021) and Assemblymember Chris Holden in Sacramento for California Nonprofits Day, June 8, 2022.

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