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Mo Hyman Named First Leadership Council Chair of Collaborate PASadena

Collaborate PASadena (CP), a local Collective Impact framework, announces Mo Hyman, Executive Director of College Access Plan, as its inaugural Leadership Council chair. Mo has served on the council since it was initially convened in 2015 and was unanimously elected by the group, which includes members of PUSD’s Executive Leadership Team and school board as well as representatives from the City of Pasadena, local parent groups, community-based organizations, LACOE, and others.

Geoff Albert, Director of Community Engagement for CP, says “Mo is the perfect leader to help us move forward our shared, community-wide mission to ensure equitable access to safety, support, and resources for students and their families throughout Pasadena, Altadena, and Sierra Madre. A respected educational nonprofit leader, Mo also helped to shape our mission and has a deep understanding of collective impact work. I could not ask for a better partner to guide the next years of our work.” In 2020, CP updated its mission to focus specifically on advocating to reduce structural racism and systemic inequities in the greater Pasadena community.

In her tenure as chair, Mo hopes to help CP realize its mission through identifying new funding streams, developing a results-based accountability dashboard, widening its net of partner organizations, and increasing backbone team staff.

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